I Seem Unsuited for Dating
I Seem Unsuited for Dating
By Chestnut, 板栗子, Ban Li Zi
58 Chapters
36 Reviews
One day, two forum posts titled “I Seem Unsuited for Dating” appeared on Promontory Forum’s Feelings board nearly at the same time. User A: 「I have a severe case of mysophobia and possessiveness. I cannot accept it if my girlfriend has had relationship experience. I went to see a psychiatrist, but I haven’t improved. I might truly be unsuited for dating.」 User B: 「I think I might be unsuited for dating. I very much enjoy the ambiguous phase of sounding out each other’s feelings, but after becoming official, if they want to hug me, or perhaps kiss me, I will immediately feel nauseous.」 Internet User: 「I beseech that the two of you be together. Don’t go and harm anyone else.」

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