Only I Have Daily Dungeon Missions Life
Only I Have Daily Dungeon Missions Life
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As the graduation from university approached, Hideo Akagi found himself burdened with a massive debt due to his delinquent older brother misusing his scholarship. Unable to envision a future after graduation, he was stuck in a bleak situation. In the midst of this, an envelope arrived from the Dungeon Foundation, revealing that he was a chosen “Explorer” eligible to challenge dungeons. His only skill, finger snapping, transformed into the skill “Finger Snap,” and with the acquisition of the ordinary skill, he ventured into the dungeon aiming for a windfall. Despite putting effort into utilizing his seemingly ordinary ability that anyone with finger snapping could use, everything ended up in vain. The only thing it excelled at was high accuracy, proving almost useless in combat. At the point of giving up, a window appeared before the hero – the Daily Mission.

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