I Adopted A Villainous Dad
I Adopted A Villainous Dad
By Yunsul
29 Chapters
15 Reviews
The heroine entered a novel as the saintess that walked a thorny path. However, she did not desire the bleak road, instead opting to walk on a flowery path by abandoning the frustrating original timeline and adopting a father. “You, be my daddy!” Turns out he’s the final boss and villain which worked out just as well. “Daddy, why is your name daddy? So cute. What did you eat for breakfast? Handsomeness?” As she dreamt of a happy ending with her daddy, a huge obstacle stood in her path: the existence of the hero destined to annihilate the final boss. Since it’s come to this, the heroine decided to save her father and the hero. Maybe the world, too, if she had the time. But her daddy is being a pain…he keeps raising death flags and now the hero’s obsessed over her, asking to take responsibility for taming him. Just what is going on?