Quarantined at Ex-Boyfriend’s House
Quarantined at Ex-Boyfriend’s House
By 酒煮核弹头
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Gan Tian rated Jiang Yiheng as the “most terrible ex”. Tired and angry to the point that when she broke up with him and moved out, she even forgot to take her beloved teddy bear away. Just at the moment she returned to K City to pick up the bear from his house, the community was locked down tragically. Some online jokes said that, During the quarantine period, a man and a woman either created children or got divorced. Gan Tian thought, what will happen between her and Jiang Yiheng, though they had a clean breakup, will their feelings reemerged or completely wiped out?* At a meeting, an investor asked Jiang Yiheng what his greatest strength was. He put away the document and replied, “The development of things is always within my plan.” Oh, except for the fact that Gan Tian chased him for two years, and that he was ruthlessly dumped after she caught him…. *[死灰复燃 (sǐhuīfùrán): lit. ashes burn once more (idiom); fig. sb lost returns to have influence; 灰飞烟灭 (huīfēiyānmiè): lit. scattered ashes and dispersed smoke (idiom) / fig. to be annihilated]

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