Reincarnated as a Dungeon Master, I Became Unstoppable by Doting on My Monsters—My Gorgeous Monsters Have Started to Conquer the World on Their Own!
Reincarnated as a Dungeon Master, I Became Unstoppable by Doting on My Monsters—My Gorgeous Monsters Have Started to Conquer the World on Their Own!
By 酒煮核弹头
0 Chapters
2 Reviews
To experience love, the Japanese man Yuuto drank a love potion but was deceived and lost his life. He reincarnated as a Dungeon Master but was not enthusiastic about his role, which inherently involved forcing others to fight. However, Yuuto noticed something. “Wait? Aren’t these monsters kinda cute when you look closely?” From then on, he abandons his duty of making monsters fight and, instead, finds purpose in life by raising 13 monsters to be as strong and beautiful as his students. Ten years later, the monsters somehow transform into beautiful girls and are eager to repay Yuuto for his kindness. However, they’ve become highly obsessive Yandere fanatics due to the doting they’ve received from him for the past decade! Furthermore, all 13 have become extremely rare and unique monsters, the strongest of their kind. Unbeknownst to Yuuto, their desire to repay him becomes a world-scale endeavor. “Ah, I kind of want to go to the beach.” “As you wish, Master. It’s difficult here… (I need to conquer the most beautiful beach on the continent right away).” “Oh, that sounds good! (I have to bring the nearby monsters under my control too).” “Understood! I must prepare swimsuits (Ah! I must dedicate all the nearby beautiful women for my lord’s beach outing).” Oblivious to his influence, our protagonist, Dungeon Master Yuuto, unknowingly begins to conquer the world through his monster subordinates! Is this okay, protagonist? The story is getting bigger and bigger; you must stop it soon!

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