The Wife is First
The Wife is First
By Lu Ye Qian He
108 Chapters
99 Reviews
The wife is first, the country is second, and the husband is of lesser importance. All of his life was spent riding a war horse and accomplishing meritorious military services. But what was the result? In the end, he was cast aside once he had served his purpose. Out of selfishness, he had favored his consort and neglected his wife. Ultimately, the one who stood by his side was the wife that he had neglected for 10 years… After being reborn, Jing Shao decided to repent and turn over a new leaf… Standing outside the door while holding a pillow, Jing Shao gazed at the sky. He must first mend his relationship with his wife. Jing Shao formed a fist and knocked on the door, “Jun Qing, I know I was wrong, let me in!”